Dream Walking Wednesday: Man in the Mirror
Many of my most intense nightmares are also my most
brief. Often they occur in the normal and mundane places and situations of my
daily life. Last night was a night for dreaming, and one of the dreams I
remembered was one of these types: a short scene with a terrifying twist that
left my heart hammering in my chest for minutes after I woke up.
Sometimes, you see, you just barely come through on the
other side of the glass.
In my dream, I got out of my bed and shuffle-footed my
way to the connecting bathroom. I yawned and stretched as I reached for the
light switch.
The light that came on was dull and gray – unlike the
bright glow I am accustomed to from the six bulbs over the vanity. The meager
light cast itself across a bathroom I knew was my own but barely recognized.
Everything – the sink, the toilet, the bath tub – was covered in a fine layer
of dust. It was as if the bathroom had stood vacant for many years. I ran a
finger trail across the top of the sink in bewilderment.
I looked up at the mirror then. The two-fold mirror had
particle board nailed across its face in several layers – a mad carpenter’s
jig-saw puzzle across the glass. There was only a small section of the mirror
unmasked by the boards. I wiped the film of gray dust off the glass and stared
at my reflection.
I saw myself, as expected. Then my visage changed
abruptly. In a hair’s breadth of time my confused reflection became a snarling
face full of sharp vampire teeth. My reflection hissed at me through the glass,
opening its maw and lurching towards me as I stumbled backward.
This is when I woke up with a jerk as if I had been
shocked with the ER doctor’s paddles after a cardiac arrest.
Just a dream, we tell ourselves.
Just escaped, my weary mind attests as it pulls me back
to sleep, somehow knowing that window is shut again, for now.
What is it about mirrors that both fascinates and
frightens? Why do some people tremble at the doppelganger on the other side of
the pane? And if you stare long enough at your own reflection too long, do you
ever notice a slight change? Was that an upturn of the mouth as if to some dark
secret knowledge? Was that a strange glint in the eyes – the recognition of
being seen through a mirror darkly?
Have you experienced a dream such as this? I would love
to hear about it!
next time, Make Believers, keep on dreaming!
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